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Institute of Sensor and Vibration Engineering
来源: 发布人: 时间:2022-03-09 浏览:

I. Introduction of the Institute

The Institute of Sensor and Vibration Engineering builds on the Institute of Vibration, which was established in 1993. After many years of development and integration, the Institute has set its direction in the design and processing of micro/nano structure of high-precision sensors based on wide band gap semi-conductor and analyses of dynamic properties for mechanical system, conditional monitoring and fault diagnosis of equipment, as well as noise detection and control. The Institute has 17 faculty members, among whom are 7 professors, 8 associate professors and 2 lecturers. Professor Jinhui Song is the head of the institute.

II. Research Achievements

The Institute has undertaken more than 20 programs of the 973 Program for National Defense, 973 Program for Civil Use, National Science and Technology Major Project, the Nature Science Foundation of China, Key (Key grant) Project of Chinese Ministry of Education, China Machinery Technical Development Foundation, Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, Nature Science Foundation of Liaoning Province. At the same time, the Institute also undertakes a number of horizontal projects, forming a research direction with distinctive proficiency.

. Research Interest

The institute features in nano-optoelectronic technology, sensing measurement and control, as well as vibration engineering, whose major research interests include: sensor and actuator theory and technology; intelligent instrument and monitoring technology; aerospace engine thrust measurement; topology optimization of micro-flexible components; precision manufacturing and metrology; processing and tool technologies of hard and brittle material; modern cutting theory and measurement and control of cutting process; cutting performance and machining technology of difficult-to-machined materials; CAD/CAM, dynamic characteristics simulation and optimization of hydraulic system; network measurement and control technology and application.

IV. Pictures



纳米发电机(Nano generator)

微流控芯片热压模具(Thermal mode)


残余应力控制(Residual stress control)


3D打印优化设计(3D Print optimization design)




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Address:No. 2, Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
Zip code:116023