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Institute of Mould and Surface Engineering
来源: 发布人: 时间:2020-03-31 浏览:

I. Introduction of the Institute

The Institute of Mould and Surface Engineering has 5 professors, 8 associate professors and 2 lecturers, among whom are one National Young Scientific Talents, one scholar of the Humboldt Research Fellowship, one Baosteel Excellent Teacher, 3 fellow of the Hundred/Thousand/Ten-Thousand Talents Project in Liaoning Province and one top-notch young personnel of Talents for Liaoning Rejuvenation Project. The Institute features in teaching and research work in fields like molding and forming process, design and manufacture of bioinspired functional surfaces, high quality and efficient processing of complex parts and biological 3D printing, etc.

. Teaching Activities

The Institute undertakes 6 undergraduate courses, such as Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology and Mould Design and Manufacturing Technology, 6 post graduate courses, such as Cutting Mechanics and Bionics and Functional Surface Manufacturing Technology. The Institute is also in charge of the edition of one textbook of the National 12th Five Year Plan, with one second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award and one first prize of the Liaoning Provincial Teaching Achievement Award.

. Research Work

In the past 5 years the Institute has undertaken 25 projects at national level, 32 at provincial and ministerial level with a total research fund of 35 million yuan, as well as 191 R&D and engineering projects for enterprises of 66 million yuan. The Institute has published more than 200 high-level papers on top international journals, such as Science, Nature Physics and International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, etc. with more than 60 national authorized invention patents and over 10 software copyrights. The research outcome has been successfully applied in aviation, aerospace, energy and transportation industry, achieving important economic and social benefits.

. Pictures







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Address:No. 2, Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
Zip code:116023